talks and book presentations: NAS, Sydney / UTS, Sydney / Adam Art Gallery, Wellington / Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch / Art Fair, Auckland

Artist Talk and Book Launch "Solidarity Grid"
talk with Blair French, Heather Galbraith and Mischa Kuball
May 25, 2018 // 6 p.m.
Auckland Art Fair
Ground Floor C'AAF, Queen’s Wharf, Auckland CBD /NZ

Panel Discussion and Book Launch "Solidarity Grid"
talk with Blair French, Deborah McCormick, Lara Strongman and Mischa Kuball
May 23, 2018 // 6 p.m.
Christchurch Art Gallery
Cnr Worcester Boulevard and Montreal Street, 8140 Christchurch /NZ

Artist Talk and Book Launch "Solidarity Grid"
talk with Stephen Cleland and Mischa Kuball
May 22, 2018 // 6 p.m.
Adam Art Gallery
Victoria University of Wellington Gate 3, Kelburn Parade, 6012 Wellington /NZ

Spatial Intervention in Post-Traumatic Public Space
talk with Barbaby Bennett, Blair French, Thea Crejzek and Mischa Kuball
May 21, 2018 // noon
UTS DAB School of Design
702-735 Harris St, Sydney Ultimo NSW 2007 /AU

Inside view: public preposition
May 21, 2018 // 10 a.m.
National Art School
Forbes Street, Darlinghurst Sydney NSW 2010 /AU

Press: Hurrel, John, "Solidarity Grid Publication", in: eyecontactsite, 26.06.2018.

– 25.08.2018
